mobil Mitsubishi - GTO - 1999

Rp. 390 jt
Fia Mobil, Phone : 021-65861518, Location : Kemayoran.
Date : 26 August 2011

mobil Mitsubishi - L200 - 2007

Rp. 245 jt
Batavia Motor, Phone : 021-65865734, Location : Kemayoran.
Date : 26 August 2011

When Decided To Buy

  1. Before doing any contact to the seller, compare the item's rate price with another (item) ads with exact matched specification

  2. While contacting the seller, please check that he/she is a trusted seller. Make sure that the ads you're interested in is not a scam.

  3. Make appointment to meet the seller in public place. Check item's condition throughly, validate item's paper to local authority.